
互联网 2023-02-06 08:08:37



作者: 亿邦动力网 来源: 亿邦动力网 2019-05-31 18:41


凡通过审核的跨境电商平台,即可录入《全球跨境电商平台全景图》,全景图将于6月27日第四届全球跨境电商峰会现场展示,作为峰会的“打卡地标”将吸引电商从业者、媒体 ,强势曝光,刷爆朋友圈。

请使用公司邮箱提交公司简介和logo源文件材料至:[email protected]


The panorama of global cross-border E-commerce platforms

Cross-border E-commerce is no longer exclusively operated by big platforms alone.The emerging trend for cross-border E-commerce is to identify supply chains with higher quality and greater sales in China.The scope of global cross-border E-commerce platforms we are keen on developing will enhance capacity of sellers to easily locate partners that meet their demands.The panorama will be published at the Global Cross-border E-commerce Summit.Global E-commerce ecologic system requires your contribution.

Any cross-border E-commerce platform meeting our requirements will be included in the panorama to be displayed at The 4th Global Cross-border E-commerce Summit scheduled on June 27 and catch the eyes of E-commerce practitioners,media and WeChat Moments as a landmark.

Please indicate your company mailbox to email your Company Profile and Logo to [email protected].

The said information will only be used in this project.

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