加拿大海产名企Clearwater品牌发布中文名“北极清水” 中国市场增长最为迅速!

互联网 2023-01-31 17:45:49

最近很多人关注加拿大海产名企Clearwater品牌发布中文名“北极清水” 中国市场增长最为迅速!,山东创新网小沐从网上搜集一些关于加拿大海产名企Clearwater品牌发布中文名“北极清水” 中国市场增长最为迅速!内容,希望对您有用。


文/ 海鲜指南(seafood-guide)陈磊



加拿大农业及食品部长劳伦斯·麦考利(Lawrence MacAulay)、MSC加拿大总监Jay Lugar、MSC中国总监安延、Clearwater 全球CEO lan Smith 、Clearwater亚太区副总裁顾程铭、麦德龙中国副总裁陈佳等嘉宾出席了发布会活动。


Clearwater 的海鲜产品已经中国市场20多年了,中国也是Clearwater最大的市场之一,在未来具有广阔的市场空间。对于中国的消费者而言,一个简洁易懂的中文名,显然可以帮助海产企业提高品牌知名度,传递企业和产品价值。






加拿大农业及食品部长劳伦斯·麦考利(Lawrence MacAulay)阁下

加拿大农业及食品部长劳伦斯·麦考利(Lawrence MacAulay)在致辞中表示:“每年,我们看到越来越多的中国消费者选择加拿大海产品,我们要感谢中国消费者对加拿大海鲜的鼎力支持,人们从电商,超市中购买海鲜。过去的5年,中国市场对加拿大海鲜的需求量增加了一倍,这给两国的企业都带来了很多的就业机会。”

Clearwater 全球CEO lan Smith

Clearwater 全球CEO lan Smith指出:“对于我们而言,今天是一个难忘且具有里程碑意义的日子。中国市场是Clearwater全球最重要的市场之一,处于快速增长期。从今年第三季度的财报来看,中国已经成为我们在全球最大的市场。中文名可以帮助消费者了解并记住我们的产品。很多外资企业在中国开始选择有真正意义的中文名,而不是单纯的直译。这样可以帮助消费者可以理解企业的产品和文化。希望可以通过北极清水中文品牌名称传递高价值,高质量的海产品。”




1976年,John Risley 和Colin MacDonald两位优秀的企业家 在新斯科舍创立了加拿大海鲜渔业有限公司(Clearwater)。公司以一辆敞蓬小型载货卡车和一种乐观的理念起步,如今已发展为拥有最多贝类捕捞许可证的加拿大海产公司以及全球最大的海产公司之一。

Clearwater 的中心任务自始至终都是为客户提供高品质、纯野生、可持续且独一无二的海鲜产品。我们将不断寻找创新的服务方式和捕捞方式——但是我们的中心任务绝不会改变。



近年来,我们致力于将产品推向更多的渠道,除了传统的现代零售渠道如麦德龙、家乐福、大润发、山姆会员店等,还有新零售渠道,如盒马、7-fresh 。我们与京东、天猫等电商平台合作,更重要的是,我们还提供定制产品来满足个人消费者和家庭消费者的需求。通过这些渠道我们的北极贝、龙虾、扇贝、面包蟹、海鳌虾更加容易地送到了消费者的餐桌。

Chinese Name, Continued Success

Clearwater Seafoods Chinese Name Launch Event

China is a leading nation for seafood consumption, and the continuing rise of the Chinese middle class is expected to push consumption even higher in the years to come. Clearwater Seafoods has over twenty years of experience in the China market. It is one of Clearwater’s biggest markets, with growth opportunities for the future.

The Chinese name of “Bei Ji Qing Shui (北极清水)”

Clearwater is today pleased to announce the use of “北极清水” (Bei Ji Qing Shui) as our Chinese name. This will help build the Clearwater brand in China with a Chinese name that is recognizable by customers and consumers in this key market.

“Bei Ji Qing shui (北极清水)” represents “arctic clear water” and fits strongly with the Clearwater brand. Based in Nova Scotia, Canada, a number of Clearwater products are harvested from the cold, clear water of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Clearwater Story

In 1976, John Risley and Colin MacDonald established Clearwater with a pickup truck, a vision and a lot of entrepreneurial drive. Today the Nova Scotia company has grown to become the largest holder of shellfish licenses in Canada and one of the world’s leading seafood companies.

Our focus has always been to provide premium quality, wild, sustainable seafood, second to none. We will always strive to find new and innovative ways to serve our customers and responsibly harvest shellfish – but you can rest assured our focus will never change.

Our mission is clear: Together we are building the world’s most extraordinary, wild seafood company, dedicated to Sustainable Seafood Excellence.

Clearwater in China

Since Clearwater entered the Chinese market more than 20 years ago, it has been providing seafood ingredients for restaurants and star hotels throughout the country, making this brand widely recognized and reputed.

In recent years, Clearwater has been working to push its products to more channels. Specifically, it maintains the traditional retail channels such as Metro, Carrefour, RT-Mart, Sam"s Club and other international hypermarkets, provides fresh products directly to the fresh stores like Hema Fresh and 7-Fresh, and cooperates with the E-commerce platforms including Tmall and JD. What"s more, it provides customized products that meet the needs of both inpiduals and families. Today, arctic surf clams, lobsters, scallops, rock crabs and Norway lobsters are more easily delivered to the table of Chinese consumers.