
互联网 2023-01-31 17:50:02




项目位于拥有数百年历史老旧商业街区关键点上,占地面积约1400 平方,与繁华的中山路商业步行街相邻,作为江夏堂文化及广场的延伸;改造前是户外摊贩集中点。经过多轮社会各界代表探讨和网络民意征集,这里被期望改造成具有开放性、文化性、能激发人与人之间交流的公共区域。公园改造后成为具有闽南民俗文化特色的开放空间。

The project is located at the key point of the old commercial district with hundreds of years old. As the extension of Jiangxia Tang culture and plaza, it covers an area of about 1,400 sqm, which is adjacent to the bustling Zhongshan Road commercial pedestrian street. It was a place where street vendors gathering before its reconstruction. After several rounds of discussion by community representatives and collection opinions through network, it is expected to be transformed into an open, cultural public area motivating the communication with each other. After transformation, the park will become an open space with Min’nan folk culture.

▼ 航拍现状图,Status quo from a aerial view

▼ 航拍鸟瞰图,Aerial view




During the design process, we explored the concept of “connection” with respect to time and space. The current “being”, the memory from the past, as well as the vision of the future, altogether interprets the time and space of the current moment. The aim of the Jiangxia Landscape Project is to rediscover such process of interpretation, “connecting” every moment to the endless flow of time.

▼ 构思草图,Sketch

▼ 形如海浪又似中国卷轴(画卷/书卷),卷起的部分成为市民游客停留休憩的场地,依据隆起高低、幅度不同,可躺、可卧、可坐,各取所需。Taking the form of waves or the unrolling Chinese scrolls. The rolled up part becomes the rest area for visitors, the uplifted ground with different height and width enables people to sit or lay down in a comfortable positions.




To extend and develop the existed features and capabilities of the original site, therefore provide a unique local cultural energy field.

▼ 公共艺术“缘”,强调参与性,引发当地人的共鸣,激发人的想象。The public art project “affinity” emphasizes the public’s participation, for it resonates with locals and inspire the imagination.


Design and Construction


The overall ground pavement embraces the idea of landscape and urban furniture, paving from the Jiangxia Ancestral Hall gate on the elevated terrain and extending to the lower terrain, taking the form of waves or the unrolling Chinese scrolls. The rolled up part becomes the rest area for visitors, the uplifted ground with different height and width enables people to sit or lay down in a comfortable positions. Given full consideration of the space between tree pool and chair, the area is shaded by the trees. Paving material is a combination of red brick and dark grey granite manufactured locally in Southern Min.

▼ 卷轴就像从历史长河流淌出的时光,将每一个当下维系在无尽的时空长河之中。The scrolls is like the time streamed from the long history , “connecting” every moment to the endless flow of time.

▼ 树池与座椅之间充分考虑其投影关系,提供树荫。Given full consideration of the space between tree pool and chair, the area is shaded by the trees.

公共艺术“缘”(骰子):表现闽南地区特有中秋民俗活动“博饼”活动,骰子从脱手到落定瞬间的动态过程,骰子转动的幅度、角度不同,骰子的造型亦不同,骰子点数所示意的点数(四个四点 两个两点)正是“博饼”中最高级别“状元插金花”,骰子点数内也是印刻中秋月饼模纹样,生动的展现了主流(科举)文化与厦门在地(民俗)文化的历史渊源。

The public art project “affinity” (dice) portrays the unique folk activity in Southern Min during the Mid-Autumn Festival – “mooncake gambling”, as well as the dynamic process of dice rolling out from the hand to the ground with different rotation ranges, angles, and positions. The combination of pips (four dice with four pips and two dice with two pips) represents the grand prize called “champion plus golden flower” in “mooncake gambling”. Each pip on the dice is also carved with the Mid-Autumn mooncake pattern. All these elements indicate of the mainstream ( imperial examination) culture and the historical origins of Xiamen’s local culture.

▼ 公共艺术“缘”,表现闽南地区特有中秋民俗活动“博饼”活动。The public art project “affinity” (dice) portrays the unique folk activity in Southern Min during the Mid-Autumn Festival – “mooncake gambling”


The relief sculpture :On the wall of Jiangxia Ancestral Hall,the local characteristics of Xiamen and auspicious folk elements, the culture and tradition of Southern Min are well integrated with the combination of the beach crafted with crushed oyster shell and lucky cloud made of stones from Southern Min.

▼ 江夏堂墙面以粉碎的海蛎壳模仿海边沙滩肌理与闽南石材仿吉祥云纹相组合。将历史风貌,厦门地域特色及寓意吉祥的本地民俗符号融合。The relief sculpture takes the wall of Jiangxia Ancestral Hall as the canvas, with the combination of the beach crafted with crushed oyster shell and lucky cloud made of stones from Southern Min. Featuring the local characteristics of Xiamen and auspicious folk elements, the relief sculpture portrays the culture and tradition of Southern Min.